Family Wellness services

It is hard to see the wood from the trees when you are stuck in the middle of the forest. When we allow an objective person to help us gain a bird’s eye view of the entire forest, it is much easier to start identifying alternative routes through.

If your family is finding it hard to cope with all the demands of life, we invite you get in touch. We can help you unpack your unique set of challenges and lifelines and, together, chart a practical course to get to a place of better equilibrium.

Sensory Processing Services

Right throughout the day our brains are bombarded with information that it receives from our senses. Sensory input is like the petrol in our brain’s petrol tank. Some individuals have a big brain capacity (big petrol tank) for the incoming sensory information. They would typically need more “sensory petrol” to run their engines at optimal speed. Other individuals have a small brain capacity (tiny sensory petrol tank) and get flooded before they hit their desk at work. Knowing your sensory processing profile (the size of your brain’s petrol tank) is vital to your ability to function optimally and to cope.

Teen Wellness (16 years +) services

  • 1 out of 33 adolescents showed signs of depression, and
  • 1 out of 20 adolescents showed signs of anxiety,
  • 1 out of 40 adolescents showed signs of anxiety and depression.

Our children are under such high academic, sport and social pressure. Many parents are, themselves, struggling to cope with the incredible pace of life and find it hard to teach a skill that they struggle themselves to master.

Diagnosed mental illness services

Working in the field of mental health before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, we witnessed the sharp rise in diagnosed depression and anxiety disorders. In 2019, before COVID-19, the World Health Organisation already reported that approximately 301 million people worldwide had an anxiety disorder, making anxiety disorders the most common of all mental disorders. The World Health Organisation also reported that in 2023, 5% of the adult world population (around 280 million people) was diagnosed with depression. 

The most basic explanation of Occupational Therapy, is that it treats and optimises human function. Therefore, Occupational Therapy in the mental health field is focused on assisting individuals with mental health challenges to address the functional limitations (like poor concentration, difficulty with social interaction, difficulty with calming down anxiety etc.) that they experience because of their affected mental health. We help improve function both in work and personal spheres of a client’s life.

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