Both service offerings are provided face to face and online. Sensory coaching can also be provided in a group setting.

Sensory Matrix TM/Senses @ WorkTM Assessment & coaching

When you understand your sensory processing style, you gain the necessary understanding to:

  • Structure your life in a way that help you optimise your productivity.
  • Increase your ability to sustain optimal productivity.
  • Increase your ability to cope with life’s demands.
  • Decrease your risk for burnout or mental illness.

Get in contact to book your Sensory Matrix TM/Senses @ Work TM assessment and coaching sessions.

What you get

1. The initial session consist of:

  • The concept of sensory processing being explained.
  • 30 – 40-minute Occupational Therapy assessment interview to gain a better understanding of how the individual’s sensory processing style impacts on their work and home life.
  • Access to the online Sensory MatrixTM/ Senses @ WorkTM assessment.
  • A full report detailing the individual’s sensory processing style and tailored sensory management strategies.

2. Two to three sensory coaching sessions where:

  • The individual’s sensory processing style is unpacked in detail.
  • Questions pertaining to the report and the concept of sensory processing and its functional implication are explained.
  • Practical implementation of the individual’s unique/tailored sensory strategies are unpacked.
  • An action plan is developed with the individual.
  • The implementation of the action plan is monitored, in order to further tailor sensory strategies for a best fit for the individual.

Sensory environmental audit

A sensory environmental audit investigates your home and/or work environment and:

  • Identifies areas where the environmental factors supports or taxes the needs that arises from your sensory processing style
  • Identifies changes that can be made to your environment in order to better support your sensory processing style.
  • This in turn would increase your productivity, help you preserve energy and help you cope better.

What you get

1. The initial session consist of:

  • The concept of sensory processing being explained.
  • An in-depth audit of the different sensory environmental factors in the client’s home and/or work is done. This can be done via home or work visit or online.

2. Two to three sensory coaching sessions where:

  • Environmental adaptations or changes are discussed.
  • Implementation and impact of implementation is discussed.

Please note that a Sensory Matrix TM or Senses @ Work TM needs to be completed before a sensory audit can be done.

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