Holistic family wellness coaching
The modern pace of life is incredibly fast on its own. Add in other people who need to share your physical space, your emotional and mental resources and your schedule and you sit with a Gordian Knot.…but even a Gordian Knot can be untangled with the right tools.
Allow us to journey with your family to help you identify practical strategies that can relieve some of the pressure. There are two options available.
OPTION 1: Consulting with both partners, including teenage children.
OPTION 2: Consulting with one partner only.
Option 1
What you get with option 1
1. Individually tailored assessment that may include a combination of the following:
- Assessment interview of parents and teens in the family.
- Sensory MatrixTM assessment for adults and teens in the family.
- Environmental sensory audit of home and/or work environment.
- Lifestyle & day program audit of all family members.
- Mental health audit of all family members.
- Interpersonal relationship skill audit of all family members.
2. Assessment feedback and intervention planning session where intervention goals and the number of intervention sessions are agreed upon.
Option 2
What you get with option 2
1. Individually tailored assessment that may include a combination of the following:
- Assessment interview with the family member attending the session, including questions about the family members not in attendance.
- Sensory MatrixTM assessment of the individual that attends the assessment session. Screening questions related to family members of the attending individual.
- Environmental sensory audit of the home and/or work environment of the individual who attends the session.
- Lifestyle & day program audit of the individual that attends the assessment session. Screening questions related to family members of the attending individual will be included.
- Mental health audit of the individual that attends the assessment session. Screening questions related to family members of the attending individual will be included.
- Interpersonal relationship skill audit of the individual that attends the assessment session. Screening questions related to family members of the attending individual will be included.
2. Assessment feedback and intervention planning session where intervention goals and the number of intervention sessions are agreed upon.
Although this service may aid in restoring harmony in the home it is not intended to replace marriage counselling.